Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Plague

I'm pretty sure I jinxed myself.  I got a wild hair and decided to register for a half marathon the NIGHT BEFORE my Spartan Beast in Utah.  This is at night (which yes, I already stated, but OMG what was I thinking?!).  I might get maybe 4 hours of sleep.  The Beast, well the Beast is 12+ miles, hilly and 20+ obstacles! 

Flash back to the Utah Spartan Beast 2012.  I was SO sick, but after having all the training time and money sunk into the trip, I wasn't going to skip it.  I slept on the plane...I actually had a flight change (boo) so it was a broken sleep.  I stopped at a Walmart I passed on the way to my hotel and bought a bunch of cold/allergy meds.  They helped a little, but not much.  Then I vegged around until I could meet up with my friends for dinner. 

That night, there was a dance team staying in the hotel...and they danced ALL OVER the floor above me ALL night long.  I was so exhausted the next morning.  The meds were helping, but I still felt icky. 

We made it to the run.  It was already hot.  I managed to run the first mile or so before I was thinking I should take it easy.  My bursitis and knee were killing me. It took me almost 5 hours in the heat. I also had a waist pack on which made it hard to roll under the barbed was more of a scoot.

Now, that I've relived last years night is the jinx. I'm sick. Again. The only good news is that it knocked me out for a week two weeks before. I have about 4 more days to kick the left over cough and stuffy nose. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Where Everyone Knows My Name

We have this adorable (and popular with the old people with canes and walkers) thrift shop in Catalina, AZ called Golden Goose. I find the most awesome stuff here. Today, I'm stalking a queen mattress for that bad ass Murphy bed I built. Since, everyone knows my name here, they mentioned there could be a queen size mattress coming in. So here I wander waiting to see. It would be super spiffy to get that room done!

And the verdict is the mattress is too thick, not flip able and saggy. Bummer.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I'm liking the easy mobile interface and feel like sharing.

I officially think my brain is in overload and maybe I need to quit these crazy dreams of a yet a third job. I copied the blog over, learned to use a new piece of equipment, day dreamed about a pallet bed, moved a couple computers, cleaned house... brain fried! Granted, I have one REAL full time job, a 2 hour a week part time job and an independent consultant pyramid scheme job. I say third because the part time and consultant job are a joke. They almost count as one. Kind of screwed up the 2 hr one but the boss didn't double check me. Hard to get it all right after a 10 hour day that started at 4am on something I haven't done in months! I always forget something anyway!

Now that I'm done whining, I think it's cuddle time with the Kindle and critters :-)

First REAL Post on the NEW Blog

Well, I decided to move everything over to the FREE blog (sorry for the copy and paste .  Who needs a fancy URL for just random rambling.  It still says Disordered Zen on the page!  I figure I should really just save my money anyway.  So many runs, so little money.  Do you know how hard it is to find a retail job when you have a whole lot of frames papers that say you went to a school for a really long time?!  Plus, I'm contemplating that really wicked ankle surgery on my right ankle if this tendon issue doesn't clear up.  I've managed to get a cortisone shot which puts my pain at a hit or miss "2".

So far, I like the design better - even if it is a bit yoga-ish (and I despise yoga). Meditation, yoga, running, whatever it takes to bring peace and order to a person's life - that seems to fit the visual for the blog! Plus, to many, running doesn't exactly have a zen like appearance.  I also need to put all the contact info and links back up if I can figure that out.  I think my brain might be tapped out for the week though.

As for my non-running time, I have been building stuff around the house. YES, I'm a girl, but I have all of these spectacular visions.  I just did a MASSIVE, queen sized, horizontal
Murphy bed a couple of weeks ago - from scratch, without a real plan and I do have to say it came out FANTASTIC!  I just need a mattress for inside and to install the latch.  I should also add that the building process required me to be rolled up into it EIGHT times. NOW, I came across a HUGE, wooden pallet that just happens to be full sized.  So I think I'm going to mod it and make it into another sort of rolling, portable Murphy bed.

Now, lets go back to what started the beds. I have a TRX hanging in my living room.  Regardless of what you tell people, they look at it and automatically think it is a sex swing.  I HATE that I have to pick up my workout gear every day.  Sometimes, I just don't have time and it makes it much more convenient for the next 4 am workout.  I decided I wanted my spare bedroom to be a workout room.  If the bed was on the wall, I'd have a decent size floor space to workout, PLUS my treadmill is in there.  I know Buddha (my obnoxious chihuahua) will miss licking the sweat off my face when I do pushups, but he sleeps through a lot of the 4 am workout anyway!  I could have just pitched the bed all together, but I recently just got into contact with my step sister who I hadn't talked to in almost 17 years.  She came to visit me back in April.  We had a blast (minus her plaque she had while we were in Vegas - of course I had to take her to Vegas).  She needs a place to sleep!  I also have two nieces I've never met and would love for them to come out and visit too.  Yes, it would be cheaper if I went there but I'm afraid I'd actually become an Idiot Out Wandering Around (yes, that is what Iowa stands for in my book).  I also think that I've missed all the good runs out there near Cedar Rapids.  There is a Marion one in May.  I digress.  So, this new pallet bed that I'm making will be a place for the girls to sleep if they ever make it out here.  It will be portable.  I'm excited.

I suppose I should get back to updating and transitioning over!

Rockin' the Tape

May 20, 2013

Well, I have an angry posterior tibial tendon and I’m bored with my shoes.  I typically wear Brooks Adrenaline GTS NARROW shoes with Power Step Max insoles.  I’ve already had one ankle corrected, but the “good” one is the one that is having the tendonitis issue.  It’s annoying and frustration.  I want to run.  I also want to wear REALLY cool shoes. I just bought the 13s, but I really want to take them back and maybe try some Newtons so I can work on correcting my form.  I’ve read they have some stability ones that might be a decent option for my poor feet.  All the show whining aside, I can’t run right now ANYWAY, so I’m not sure why I’m obsessing over shoes.  Instead, I should be obsessing about the different colors of KT tape I need in order to match my outfits!  Black goes with everything, but I hear the pink calling me.

In the mean time while I’m pouting over not running, I’m trying to work on my cycling and swimming. I hate having water in my face so I’m struggling with that.  I also know that running and biking are the two worst things I can do for my bursitis.  What’s a girl to do other than go stir crazy and practice burpees?!  Here’s hoping I can get in a few good runs before I give in and decide to have another ankle surgery.  I’m just feeling like there isn’t enough KT tape in the world for me right now!

Where Have I Been...?

March 6, 2013

Well, lets start with training for the Goofy Challenge.  It was going well.  I was using my scheduled half marathons for training runs.  By the time I made it to NWM, I was feeling ok and my max mileage was 17 miles.  I was training for the Goofy Challenge after all.  However, around mile 8, my IT band was ANGRY! I hobbled the last 5 miles.

I started doing lots of stretching and rolling (I use a stick).  I managed to PR my next run two weeks later! Wohoo!!!  I finished up 2012 with two more runs without issue.   However, during some training runs my shins started to hurt – like hurt to touch – hurt.  Not so much pain during running as afterwards.  I decided to take it easy through January.

THEN, I got ready to fight with the Goofy Challenge.  I was SO worried I was going to get swept!  I got in with a group called Run Disney So I Can Eat Disney.  They are a wonderful bunch of people! I would not have survived without them.  I actually feel like I did better during the full than the half.  Towards the last three miles of the half, I was ready to die.  It wasn’t until mile 21 in the full that I wanted to die.  Maybe it was because I got to ride Expedition Everest half way through. :)   How many people can say they rode a roller coaster in the middle of a full marathon?!

Also, through this WONDERFUL RDSICED group, we had a Three Little Pigs bacon challenge.  At mile 24 (and a half-ish) we had a tent where we could eat bacon and get something to drink.  Of course I wanted beer!  Who else can say they ate bacon and drank beer during the middle of a full marathon!?  I also met a really nice guy who stuck with me the whole way.  He was part of the group as well.  As we are finishing off our last two miles, he magically comes from behind me with another beer!  I was jealous.  He snagged it from a stranger who was double fisting ha.  He shared it with me and we pounded out the last little bit.

After I got home, I thought, “Wow, I could change my P.F. Chang’s Rock N Roll Half to the full and qualify for Marathon Maniacs!”  So, that’s what I did.  It hurt.  A lot.  My calf seized at around 11 miles and even then I was run walking.  Running was completely out of the question.  Then, I strained my groin as I do often.  It was a miserable run, but I finished and got my Double Down medal.

As for now, I’ve fallen in love with TRX, suspension training.  I do that often since I’ve been advised to take it easy.  I haven’t done more than 5 miles since the full.  However, I’m looking forward to the Arizona Distance Classic.  It will feel good to run again!

Nike Motivation

October 11, 2012

I was searching around for some Nike stuff since I’m leaving tomorrow for San Francisco to meet up with an old friend and the many ladies from Team Victorious.  I stumbled upon the Run Eat Repeat blog.  Monica had some old Nike ads for motivation and they seem very fitting, so I thought I’d repost them here so I can easily reference them :)

The first one from Competitor Magazine:
“You pretended the snooze button didn’t exist. You dragged your butt out of bed while others slept. While others ate their pancakes you had a feast of protein, glucose and electrolytes. You double-knotted. You left the porch light on and locked the door behind you. You ran 5Ks, 10Ks, 26.2 miles. Some days more, some days less. You rewarded a long run with a short run. And a short run with a long run. Rain tried to slow you. Sun tried to microwave you. Snow made you feel like a warrior. You cramped. You bonked. You paid no mind to comfort. On weekends. On holidays. You made excuses to keep going. Questioned yourself. Played mind games. Put your heart before your knees. Listened to your breathing. Sweat sunscreen into your eyes. Worked on your farmer’s tan. You hit the wall. You went through it. You decided to be man about it. You decided to be woman about it. Finished what you started. Proved what you were made of. Just kept putting mile after mile on your interval odometer. For 25 years, you ran. And we ran with you. How much farther will we go? As far as you will.”

The second one and probably the most fitting for me:
No one runs in my family.
I am not built like a runner.
My bones aren’t weightless.
My legs aren’t gazelle-like.
As a child, no one ever said,
“Now that one…she’s going
to be a runner.”
I am not a marathon runner.
But, I know that no one
is a marathon runner until
they actually run one.

Love Hate Ice Baths

October 8, 2012

I think I have a love hate relationship with ice baths.  I HATE being cold.  I don’t even want to put ice on an isolated area to relieve pain.  When I had my ankle surgery and my WAY too tight cast, the ice was brutal.  Especially in December when I’m already shivering. How much colder could my toes have possibly gotten?!

After my birthday run, I felt miserable – hung over, hot, sore, ready to toss cookies- you name it.  I complained and shivered and would only squat in the ice bath.  I’ve heard they are wonderful, but this was my first experience.  I suppose it helped, but the hang over was a thousand times worse than any muscle aches I was experiencing.  Yeah, yeah – my bad for getting that tipsy the night before a run.  I just can’t turn down a drink though and I certainly can’t waste one!  It was my birthday.  I’ll drink and run like a crazy person if I want to!

Over the weekend, as part of my Goofy Challenge training, I needed to complete 7 miles Saturday and 17 on Sunday.  After doing the 7 miles, I’d also signed up for an evening 5k.  Not only can I NOT turn down a drink, I also can’t resist a LOCAL 5k with a medal.  After the 5k I was convinced I wasn’t going to make the 17 miles.  So I stopped at the store for my favorite beer and a bag of ice.  I filled the tub with cold water,  tied my shirt in a knot so it stayed out of the water,  plopped in the cold water in all of my clothes with a bit of mild squealing and then dumped the bag of ice in the water.  I was pretty miserable after, but I’m pretty sure it helped my shins so that I could complete the 17 miles the next day.

So, yes, I managed to complete the 17 miles on Sunday.  I was rather pleased with my 4 hour time because it also included a pit stop by the house to refill my Camelbak and take some meds for my bursistis.  It even got a bit warm because I failed to get out of bed in a timely manner (mmmmm, bed….it loves me and I love it).  When I got home, I jumped in the car to buy more ice (because it is easier to fight with a bag of ice rather than my ice maker box dohicky thingie).  Another miserable 20 minutes, but I wasn’t terribly sore the rest of the day.  More tired than sore I suppose.

Now it’s Monday.  I want to go run some more.  Not bad for the 40ish combined minutes of misery in the tub.  I WILL force myself to take the day off though!

Motivation WRU?

September 25, 2012

My motivation is so far out the window right now it is simply a spec in the sky.  Given that I was not born with a runner’s body, I suppose that is a large portion of my problem. Foot pain, bursitis pain (only 9 more days until my next cortisone shot)…and for some reason, I’ve been dizzy and off balance since I went to Vegas.  I’m also slightly bummed that I have about 17 days that I can cram 116 miles in so I can reach Nike+ Blue Level.  I’m thinking I need to give up on that…I’m not seeing a way to average almost 7 miles a day without Nike bringing back up the pedometer server (jerks!) or dropping $150 on a Fuel Band so it tracks EVERYTHING.  Work weeks are killer lately and this is an 8 day work week.  I need MORE time.

All whining aside, I am VERY excited to meet up with the Team Victorious girls, get my Tiffany’s necklace, drool over firemen in tuxedos, eat chocolate and hang with a dear friend from back in Virginia.  I believe the exact date of the last time we hung out was February 27, 2005.  We fell asleep in the closet (it was a big closet) while waiting for the movers to pack the van so I could move to Arizona.  She was living in Key West when I went back for my reunion so I didn’t get to see her then.  It should be a good time – and it will be wonderful to have someone at the finish line.  I just hope I don’t cry when I finish this – I’ve seen a picture of a hill and it just made everything hurt by looking at it!

Running Addict

September 7, 2012

These days, I’m having a hard time turning down a run with spiffy swag and medals (still avoiding that over used B word – you know the one that isn’t cool anymore because your mom uses it? Yes, that one).Virtual races may be the death of my bank account! There are so many I want to do.  I’m glad I put up the conquests page otherwise I’d be clueless.

So I suppose I’m wondering how I talk myself out of some of these runs.  I was gifted a car this year for my birthday and Christmas…and probably every other birhtday and Christmas for the next five years.  This car just so happens to get better gas mileage, making getting to some of these runs a smidge cheaper with a lot less worry.  I think I’ll work on this thought process some more later.  I must get a move on with my day so that I can cram all of my stuff into it…and it will serve as a distraction to keep me from thinking about  the four runs that are calling my name – Las Vegas Rock n Roll, Really Big Free Vegas Half, Hoover Dam Half and the WDW 5k making for the Dopey Challenge…Dopey is the most affordable and I’m going to be there anway.  Did you notice how I just went right back into fantasizing about runs?!  Ahh! Getting ready for work now!

Sometimes I Get Lucky

August 23, 2013

Since I haven’t written about this, I think it’s time that I catch the world up on the super exciting zenful (is that a word?) moment I hope to live in for the next three weeks.

While rambling about my crazy Extraterrestrial Midnight Full Moon Half Marathon I was going to do in Rachel, NV (near Area 51), a co-worker noticed my posts on Facebook.  He asked if I need a hotel while I was there.  After explaining it was going to be a sleep deprived 26 hours up and back  and that I probably wouldn’t get a room because spending $60 at the Motel 6 for 5 hours of sleep seemed stupid, I told him he should go.  He said he didn’t have the time.  Just to make sure, I asked if he had anyone else he knew that was going before the two free nights expired.  He said no…I decided I’d gladly take them and make it happen if he didn’t care when so long as I used the nights before they expired.  This is where I proceeded to do the happy, hoppy, screaming all over the house dance…for like 30 minutes until I was worn out.  It JUST SO HAPPENS (duh duh duh) that there is a half marathon, in Las Vegas, on my BIRTHDAY!  DO you have any idea how bad last year sucked?!
Now back up a minute, I mean, it was my BIG 3-0 last year and my ex boyfriend who randomly wants to date me before his testicles retract into his gut and he becomes a commitaphobe again (he just said I couldn’t use his name in this blog, so I’m not, and I will continue to talk shit because I feel it’s fair…mean, but fair – I’m still dealing with my emotional scars…which have made me kind of a man hater).  So for my 30th, I cried a lot, killed a bottle of wine by myself, then drunk dialed a guy who I’d been chatting with online for a while (from an on-line dating site)…and said, “hey, I wans sushis. Les go.  Can yous come geeet meee?”  Drank a bunch more, ate sushi (my treat…yes…drunk Cassidy paid for her own birthday sushi…this is when I learned to stop being bitchy independent, let random other dates fondle my leg, I deserve free birthday sushi!  Then, played some drunk ladder golf, I jumped on my outdoor bed (yes, outdoor bed) and twisted my ankle.  No running for me for a while.  How’s that for ultimately depressing?

And back to the current birthday plans. I will be staying in Caesar’s Palace, running a half marathon on my birthday (although this is the first run this group has put on, so hopefully it’s not a disaster…so long as I get a medal, I don’t care). Now, who to take with me… I asked that same ex boyfriend from last year who couldn’t commit but was a maybe because of school.  Yeah, maybe doesn’t work for me because by the time it’s figured out, it’s way short notice for everyone else.  I asked another friend who has kids and no reliable over-nite sitter.  I dropped hints to a new prospect guy who is unavailable that wekend.  Then, light bulb.  I’ll contact my friend on the east coast – we always joked about meeting up in Vegas, plus we were due for our two year reunion.  He seemed game at first, but then slowly drifted to stressed out, whiny and annoying.  Buzz kill.  He knew a friend would be mad if she couldn’t come so I said fine, so long as it means I get double birthday cake shots – then I reinvited the ex because dammit, it’s my birthday and I don’t want to share a bed with either one of them…and this ex knows I’ll knock him senseless if he touches me.  Then, the travel friend didn’t want her to come.  Then, he was trying to fly in or out of random places to save on a ticket.  And if the random place was too far, it would be too much to park the car (hello, off-site parking is really reasonable…just don’t park in the actual airport garage).  Just one thing after another to the point where I was fed up.  I told him figure it out sooner rather than later at which point he was more stuck in his world rather than being the least bit considerate about the AGAIN issue of finding someone on shorter notice than the current 6 week time frame I had.  I’ve run alone. I’ve celebrated my birthday alone. I’ve been to Vegas alone.  I didn’t need the constant whining just to get there.   Plus! A huge thing for me is that only ONE person has been there at ONE race to give me a hug when I finished…even if it wasn’t a good race for me (a lot of walking).  My long distance friend was more concerned about the jet lag and had no desire to see me finish (wohoo thanks for the support).  But still, the one person, yet another ex boyfriend (notice a trend) was there.  That relationship didn’t last long, but it is one of my more favorite memories of the times we spent together.  So I got desperate…and I opened the conversation to the ONE race supporter I ever had with “Do you want to jump off the Stratosphere with me?”  Because, yes, that is on my bucket list…and I know he’d do it.  As a matter of fact, I forbid him to do it without me when he went to Vegas.  We went round and round and I was trying to explain how there were three people in play…first to commit wins…but getting there was difficult because I can’t concentrate on one subject for more that 2 minutes.  The other person in play was a guy I’d been on a couple of dates with…who then, while discussing music, followed it with a text asking if I want to have morning sex (WTF – hello, 8 date rule girl here). UM NO! Crass, rude, poor taste…we weren’t on that level for it to be a joke no matter if that was how it was meant or not. But, I knew he’d jump – his bad for being slow as hell to respond.  I sent a “never mind, I found a taker” text eventually and haven’t heard from him since. Oh well.
Finally, after a poorly executed attempt to explain the hotel situation, the Stratospere jumper called out of frustration…and because he was driving.  I explained everything and then it all clicked.  However, I will never forget the slightly snobby tone in his voice when he asked, “Well, where is this hotel? Is it even on the strip?”  To which I replied slowly, “Um, yeah, uh (totally Office Space style) Caesar’s Palace.” BOOM he was in!  It still makes me giggle, especially since he was about to get his own room at one point because being around a bunch of people he didn’t know, including my other ex, would be uncomfortable for him.  I get that, so I assured him it was just me and him in two separate beds.  I’m sure the company (me) had nothing to do with his decision, but the place did.  However, the good news is that he is game to do the things I’m interested in doing.  Since we aren’t dating, I don’t expect him to come see me finish.  But it should be interesting to see the look on his face when I come back to the hotel room with TWO medals on…one from the USA Women’s Half Marathon and one that reads “It’s my birthday and I’ll run if I want to.”  And yes, I’m wearing the birthday one all night long!  I felt he would read into it too much, like the trip was something too special exes should be doing together or that I was trying to reconcile.  So I’d rather keep the birthday thing a secret…if he remembers, I’ll deal with it then, but otherwise…Saturday (September 15th) is going to be awesome.

While I agreed to go to Rehab at the Hard Rock Hotel on Sunday as opposed to Venus, the European style pool at Caesar’s Palace…I’m still itching to go to the topless pool.  I’m just slightly curious…oh well.

Less than a month a way! Wohoo!

It's Always Easier

 August 23, 2012
They say, “It’s always easier to get a job, when you have a job.”  Well, I have a job, and trying to get a better one (yes, I know the economy still sucks), is still NOT easy.  Getting an interview is semi easy.  I’ve worked for a small town police department for 5 years (my anniversary was this month – wohoo extra vacation), but it really is an entry level position with opportunity for ZERO growth.  As a matter of fact, shortly after I started, they did some serious rearranging and I was tasked with the duties of a senior person, and that person was then given my more minimal tasks.  That person didn’t get demoted, I didn’t get promoted.  I took the tasks and smiled, thinking it would get me somewhere.  I took Adobe Design classes hoping to help with communications and marketing, which I do for the PD, but that’s it for about $15k less a year than the person who does it for the Town.  I got my MBA in Marketing also thinking it would help.  Four years later, I’m still in the same position and the only pay increase I’ve had was a dinky COLA (I had one merit increase my first year) which I turned around and put into my flex spending account (because I’m a runner and a klutz  – I always have a medical bill of sorts).  Here is where is gets tricky.

I have a couple of wonderful friends (who are apparently better at these searches than I am) who want to help me find a better job. I have completed my application for a spiffy job.  Then I went to the temp agency…who wanted to put me in for the SAME job.  STRANGE!  I stressed the whole temp agency thing about how the company can just drop you without reason and then I left my secure job for nothing. Not that it matters, I was turned down for an interview, I’m guessing due to my lack of fire knowledge, but I work for a police department, I have a lot more basic concepts and more marketing education than required. Boo!

Now back to the PD.  I may be thrust in to the world of Networking.  Which, again, offers no pay increase for the moment (possibly eventually, but I would honestly be a hell of a lot more motivated to take it and run with it if I KNEW there was some kind of incentive to follow – the possibility of overtime doesn’t thrill me since I spend MOST of my off time working out and training with very little boredom in between).  I just don’t know how long that moment is supposed to last – I mean really…I’ve done so many other jobs that I my resume looks like a tornado because I don’t fall into any single, concentrated category.  I have NO IT/Networking experience what so ever other than setting up my wireless router with a bit of tech support.  I have apparently been a tremendous unknown asset to our IT guy …and he was leery about me being his “assistant”, but the person who advocated on my behalf explained I am self taught (true) and I can solve a lot of the dinky issues quickly.  However, a lot of these have to do with MS Office products, not really servers and cables and networks, oh my!  There is talk of being sent to the local college to take some classes…which I like that idea.  Beats paying for it out of my own pocket and waiting for tuition reimbursement (which is already exhausted this year).  Although freshly out of the MBA makes me want to burn my remaining text books and claw my eyes out with a spork.  Plus, I’m pretty sure technology will always be a high growth field.  I’m young (until my birthday rolls around next month and I start wallowing about my body breaking and my mind going).  I almost feel like trying to do this CRAZY multitask challenge that has been placed in front of me and slow down my external job search.  Then again, doing 85% of my co-workers job, helping with a hiring process that usually takes a good 70% of my time when in full swing, plus regular miscellaneous duties while attempting to shadow the IT guy over the next two months may drive me to drink (which boy, did I pick a crap time to cut beer from my diet for half marathon training!)  It’s just networking is FAR from my dream career and it would strip away the one thing I really enjoy about my job (creating pretty things like fliers, booklets and other print media).  I should also note that with my ADD and OCD tendencies, I may need to get some Adderall so I can focus long enough to find a single wire and follow it to the appropriate location…  Oh well, I suppose I should continue my research and maybe try a little bit of everything to see what tickles my fancy.  I’m just happy someone had faith in me that while I’m far from knowledgeable or experienced in this area, he thinks that I can do it and do it well.  Actually, I should explain it the way it was explained to me, “Sometimes you have to run at an electrical outlet a few times with a fork before you get it right, and you’re willing to do that.”  Hmmm…

Stripper shoe Friday may have to be more strategically planned in the near future.  I don’t think climbing a ladder in hooker heels is a wise decision.

One Head Light

August 8, 2012

Yes, you now have that old Wall Flowers song stuck in your head don’t you?!  Yeah, it’s stuck in mine…not even because I heard it but because this seemed like an appropriate title for the moment.

After running ET, I’m still a bit sore…and it’s Wednesday. I even took Monday off to relax and catch up on sleep and missed beer drinking opportunities.  I tried to climb out of bed to run yesterday.  It just didn’t work out.  I thought I’d come home and at least walk a few minutes on the treadmill.  That didn’t work out either.  Beer won.  Hey, I had to numb my thighs somehow.

I finally made it out the door at 4:20 am and got to running.  I bought this spiffy head light (I know the appropriate term is lamp, but I like making myself into a vehicle).  Today was the first day I wore the head light without a hat.  First, it’s MUCH more comfortable with a hat.  Lesson number one, learned.  Second, it is rather blinding without the hat because aiming it down to see whats on the ground in front of you lights up your face like you’re telling a scary story around a camp fire from when you were a kid. Number two, got it.   I saw more without the light.  I even tried the red lights (yes, I’m high tech like that), but I was still blind.  It appears to be staying darker longer these days…I swear just last week I could see daylight by the time I got home at 5 am, but not today.  It was still really dark.  However, I eventually gave up and took the stupid thing off my head.

Prior to taking off my head light, I realized motorcycle/scooter/moped people are the most annoying people to cross paths with when running.  Seriously! Only 2 wheeled vehicles get close enough to me to figure out what the bobbing light is in the world of darkness.  They have a WHOLE lane in the road! Wouldn’t you want to move away from the unknown light just in case it’s a drunk person on a motorcycle something or other?  How do you think they would like it if I swerved my car in their general direction just to see the foreign light better?!  I went out in day glow yellow with a head lamp that shined down the front of me and these jerkfaces are driving so close to me I’m in the weeds…that I can’t see because I’m blinded by my own light.  It was a scooter this morning.  I think I’ve seen him before. I think I might start placing large branches on the side of the road to randomly throw out to unsuspecting motorists who get too close.  That just gave me a great mental image

I survived my run this morning- obviously…but I’m going to start retaliating against these crap drivers.  I just need a plan…to take over the world!

From the Bus

August 5, 2012

Not a bad ride out to the middle of nowhere.  I’m a bit paranoid to get out and wander too far to watch the start of the crazy 51k people and full marathoners -  it’s dark.  I have no cell signal if the bus leaves without me.  Plus,  the bus bathroom is relatively unoccupied :-)   Plus, there are flashes of light EVERYWHERE.  Most likely it is lightning, but with all the mountains and hills around here, I’m only seeing the “glow.”  This is Area 51 afterall.

Someone on here didn’t shower.  We haven’t run yet. There is no need to smell that bad this early in the game.  This has made me think about the ride back to civilization.  I’m hoping to be too exhausted to notice on the way home.  Eek.

The guy sitting in front of me is psyching me out.  He keeps panting and grunting while rolling out his muscles.  Who rolls out their muscles before running?  I’m new to running, but I thought this came after… I get warming up,  rolling and stretching,  but muscles are cold. Then body glide…. Things I didn’t think would be necessary to body glide.  Wtf.

We’re taking off again soon.  The bus is re populating.

Part 2 – After the half marathon

I finished relatively slower than expected.  Nothing like Nike+ to be off…. By 1/2 a mile… So needless to say I was way depressed passing actual mile markers.  My bursitis, calves, butt cheeks kept tightening so I stretched a lot.  I started feeling my groin muscle strain so I was trying to watch my form, but I realized I was too tired to concentrate…so walking it was!  Also – those people who write and say that hill the first 6 miles is gradual – my Fitbit said I’d climbed 91 flights of stairs – I’m going to call that hill at 80+ of it because the drive home could cause a few if it’s a rough patch in the road while “climbing”, plus bus and hotel stairs.  Gradual or not – it still killed me!
I made it to the finish line and finally found the back entrance to Little Al’E'Inn.  Gimme food! It was edible,  but it needed something…. Like serving utensils.  Biscuits,  sausages and veggies (zucchini and cauliflower… strange – usually carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, celery…you know?) needed something so people’s fingers weren’t touching them. Gravy,  fruit and I think most of the pastry stuff had utensils. It was good enough,  but I really just wanted to go to bed.  That which doesn’t kill me, only makes me stronger!

I made my way to the Vegas bus after finding my bag (using CHAIRS as bus/bag drop markers bad idea at the end of a race). I decided I’d avoid changing because I had no desire to take my shoes off in a porta potty.  But I did use the bathroom on the bus.  Omg knock me over.  Since I was one of the last people on the bus,  I was near the toilet.  I gagged a few times.  I could barely pee because I was so tense trying not to die in a confined area.  It was awful.  At one point I think the air on the bus stopped circulating because the smell got super strong!  I wanted to BEG people not to use it and let the smell escape, but I was too tired.  You know some asshole is laughing about violating that toilet for poor exhausted runners to suffer through on the THREE hour trip back to hte Hard Rock.   I also had a panic moment when I woke up from my wedged window fetal position when I noticed the older lady next to me with her forehead against the seat in front of her.  She was fine…I wasn’t sure if I should have yelled for help or moved my stuff just incase she was bus sick.  Neither were the case…and I decided I was too tired to be a good semaritan.  Now back to this three hour trip – everything says its like a 2-2.5 hour trip from Vegas to Rachel, you’d assume Rachel to Vegas should be the same.  We made it out there in 2.25, but we were also about 20 miles from where we departed at the Little Al’E'Inn.  However, 20 miles should not have meant another 45 minutes!  We stopped a few times – I’m guessing our driver was lost.  Also – we hit a lot of those wake up strips on the way home…how is a girl supposed to BRRRRMMMMM sleep BRRRRRMMMMM so she can BRRRMMMMMM drive al lthe way back to Tucson on just BRRMMMMMM 3 hours of sleep after BRRRRRMMMMM running a half marathon?!  Needless to say – a bit rough getting back, but I am very grateful for what little sleep I did get.

All in all, I enjoyed myself.  I’d do it again next year, but since as far as I can tell, the loot is the same for ALL of the different distances, I’d probably just do the 10k one so I can be more discriminatory about the bus I ride to take me back to Vegas- and, I better start getting some supportive people in my life – as in SOMEONE had BETTER go with me next time.  Or seriously, I’ll post a “moooooo” on Facebook and all these people will never hear from me again.  They will be left to assume I’ve been abducted unless they spot me out in public somewhere.

ET Fun

August 4, 2012

Well,  last weekend in Vegas was pretty miserable.  It’s sad when you have more fun alone than with your company. The zip line with the deaf strangers (because there was a deaf expo going on)  was the most fun I’d had all weekend. It calmed my “eff you”  streak.

Now,  to make up for the crap weekend,  I’m back in Vegas as I type.  I couldn’t find anyone willing or able to make the drive with me,  but it’s ok.  I worked on perfecting my singing skills the whole way.

As for the purpose of being back in Vegas -  I’m catching a bus in about an hour to take me out near Area 51. There I will run the ET Full Moon Midnight half marathon.  Yes,  the race starts at 12:30 am. Yes,  I’m nuts.  But, running in the dark clears my mind.  An expensive trip to clear my mind.  I’m sure my copay at a shrink would only be $20, but I enjoy the crazy,  strange,  different runs!

For more happy thoughts -  posting on Facebook about coming back to Vegas,  a coworker offered up 2 free nights at Caesars Palace.  While I’m hoping to get enough sleep on the bus trips to get home, I can’t let those nights go to waste and he didn’t know anyone else going…. So I’ve signed up for another Vegas half marathon…. ON MY BIRTHDAY! How fantastically awesome is that? And it will totally redeem the crap trip from last weekend. This time,  I’ll have better company,  even if it’s just me. :-P

I must find these buses now.  Just as soon as I figure out how to get out of this parking garage and back to the hotel.  :-)

My Painful Zen Moment

July 26, 2012

I have suffered from ischial bursitis for about 10 months now.  Basically, I have an aching pain when I’m sitting or running right under my butt cheeks where my butt meets my legs.  The pain is annoying.  I’ve tried a TON of remedies with very little luck – physical therapy, anti-inflammatory meds (but who wants to be on meds forever – plus I like my beer, poor liver), ultrasound therapy, massage (kind of weird having someone rub your butt),  hamstring stretches and strengthening exercises, chiropractic, Fenzian treatment and cortisone shots.  I’ve had two cortisone treatments, three months apart, one in each bursa.  It’s not a particularly comfortable thing to have done, let alone the fact  you have to moon the doctor to do it!

These cortisone shots, while uncomfortable, seem to help for about six weeks.  What do people do in between shots or if the doctor misses the money spot?  I’m doing clams and leg lifts to strengthen the outside muscles.  They also help with the pain and stiffness after a run.  I do figure 4 stretches and hamstring stretches (although the figure 4 feels like it gives more relief to the area) prior to even getting out of bed in the morning.

Also, while I was at the doctor this morning, she said as a last resort, she has had a lot of success Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapy with other tendon related problems.  She only has one other ischial bursitis patient at the moment and the person is saving it for a last resort.  Insurance typically doesn’t cover it, but I might be able to get a predetermination letter and get insurance to approve it.  Anyone ever had such a treatment?  Results?

I could probably post this on some medical forum, but this was more fun and less work =P  Anywho, the relief I will soon feel will be my zen moment.  May it  last longer than the last time.  And yes, I fully intend to keep running!  I wouldn’t keep up with the shots, exercises and treatments otherwise. =P

Till later – I may report from my Vegas trip this weekend.  It depends on how quickly I lose my money.

Keeping the Peace

July 24, 2012

This morning started bright and early at 3:50 am…don’t judge because it takes me at least 20 minutes to get out of bed after the alarm goes off. I managed to squeeze in a work out yesterday and a short “wog” (walk/jog) this morning.  After syncing (and failing) my run to Facebook, I decided that maybe some of my Team Victorious ladies might be able to help me reach the goal of getting a “vanity URL” for Disordered Zen on Facebook.  I only need 13 more likes.  While I was trolling around on Team V’s page, I stumbled upon the list of virtual runs.  I signed up for the Pacific Northwest Virtual Half Marathon for some time in August.  If anyone wants to run with me, let me know.  I’m sure we can figure out something.  But hey, $20 and a pretty spiffy medal – I’ll take it.  I was so excited about it, I didn’t bother digging around for the document that listed all the virtual runs that had been found/compiled.  Afterwards, I found a Virtual 10k through Barking Mad About Running.  Take a look at that medal!  It’s FANTASTIC!  I’m a little less excited about a bag for completing a 10K for Run 10 Feed 10, but still might just do both.  Any who, fantasizing about runs to come makes the week a bit easier.  Only one more week before I can start them.  I think they will fit nicely into my Goofy Challenge Training Plan.

My next little bit of peace will come in the form of a road trip to Las Vegas this weekend! Wohoo!  Any great suggestions on free stuff to do?  Fremont Street is a must.  SRH Fest, here we come!

Oh, and before I go, go like the Disordered Zen page on Facebook :)

Today's Adventure

July 22, 2012

I have ventured all the way down to the middle of nowhere AKA Arivaca, AZ.  Cell service is horrible and the power keeps flickering on and off in the middle of a sprinkle storm.  Of course, this is all while I’m trying to do computer stuff.  Needless to say, it’s going slower than anticipated.
Today’s excitement – I got to see my Aunt Julie for the first time in 15 years.  She’s staying with my mom (her ex sister-in-law) for a bit.  They are actively talking about traveling places.  So I guess my question is – if you wanted to move outside of the United States, where would you go?  And what kind of business would you start to support yourself abroad?  This seems to be a topic that keeps resurfacing here so I thought I’d ask.

Back to breaking computers.

Hello World

Jul 21, 2012
At this hour, I have zero desire to change much more.  So, my first blog will be less than EPIC.  Those that will see this time stamp and think WTF…I got up at 3:30am an ran 9 miles as part of my Goofy Challenge training.   I had to beat the Arizona heat.  It really is horrible with the humidity during monsoon season (which has been a let down other than causing me to miss the 4th of July party my friend was having due to flooding).  I spent a good portion of the last few days (while my internet was down of course), thinking of FABULOUS things to write about for my first entry.  Now that I have this up and running and a slight understanding of how it works, I’m tired and I want to go read myself a bedtime story…

Until, I’m awake and functioning again world! Have a great evening!